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bus yard architecture wood model
operations and maintenance yard architecture
iconic highway architecture terra cotta


CLIENT:  City of Los Angeles

             Public Works

Design Partner


Architect of Record:

Gonzalez Goodale Architects

This utilitarian facility serves as a bus maintenance, overnight storage yard, CNG fueling, and administration for LADOT's downtown DART line.  


At the same time, given its location along the 101 Freeway, below the curl of the Metro Gold Line as it exits Union Station, the City of Los Angeles sought to leverage the exposure of the project in order to highlight the under-utilized DART line with an iconic architectural statement.

The tripartite organization of the main building (maintenance | employee courtyard | administration and conferencing) served as an opportunity for articulate and extroverted massing. Clad in a combination of striated, rain screen terra cotta panels and louvers, the overall layered transparency of the building to the public is a celebration of what is usually an unsung public yard function.

The project is tracking towards LEED Gold, with enough vehicular solar rain-cover canopies planned to provide more than enough electrical power for building operations.

city of los angeles LADOT architectural elevation drawings
LADOT operations architectural rendering
Iconic night view headquarters architecture
employee lunch coutyard architecture and landscape
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